Environment Day’s #OneGreenHabit

World Environment Day is an initiative of United Nations to create awareness and inspire actions for environment protection. Since 1974, the world is been celebrating Environment Day on June 5th, every year. As a responsible recycler, Madenat Recycling celebrates environment day all year long through its actions. So on this special occasion we are encouraging others to contribute in environment sustainability through our campaign, #OneGreenHabit ! Through various platforms, we are helping good people start at least one habit that will help the earth get cleaner & greener.

We believe that everyone follows even one habit, collectively it will have a much larger positive impact on the planet. There are numerous habits to choose from. Below are a few examples,


We encourage you to share your good habits to motivate others by filling them here>> https://forms.gle/XrygmR4S3C8YY7bZ6

We have been receiving some wonderful responses to our #OneGreenHabit from around the world. Below are some responses.

The best way to save yourself is to save others.

James Wood from USA

You have a moral obligation to your future generation. Please reduce, recycle, reuse natural resources

Munir Mujavar from Canada

Collect all plastics and use them for their fuel value by incineration. All plastics originate from oil. This is done in Europe

Peter Paine from UK

Let’s Monitor Our Energy Consumption and be Energy Efficient.

Enock Nyanaro from Kenya

Safe life begins with clean planet.

Ibrahim Absa from Palestine

Join the tribe. Start your #OneGreenHabit on the occasion of World Environment Day 2021! Let us know in the comments below which green habit are you starting and if you are not able to zero down on any one, we will help you do so. Let us make our planet better together.


Earth Day Every Day!

As a responsible recycler, we celebrate Earth Day everyday. But on the occasion we would like to provide you with some ideas you can follow to make this cleaner and greener by every coming Earth Day. If everyone takes atleast one of the following green pledges, our planet will breath again.

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Buy only if needed
  • Use energy-saving bulbs
  • Conserve Water
  • Minimize Plastic usage
  • Plant trees
  • Carpool
  • Walk/bike/take public transport
  • Shop wisely
  • Restore our earth

These are just a few idea that we can think of. Do read our other blogs to be well informed about all the environment sustainability efforts we can take to save the planet. Do suggest more actions to be taken to reduce our carbon footprint and restore our planet.

Green Ways To Gift Your Loved Ones!

The world expresses love to their dear ones on February 14th every year. Most of them celebrate it with gifts and/or experiences. We as a responsible recycler understand how our 1-day celebration affects environment for long. Let us share that with you to make sure there is no pollution and just love in the air. Below are some tiny tweaks in your valentine’s day plan to make it even more special and without causing any harm to the environment. Here are some popular gifts exchanged during this lovely time of the year and its consequences.


The demand for flowers increases as Valentine’s Day draws near. Most flowers we buy in our local markets are imported from various flower producing countries. A lot of fuel is burned, and pollution is amplified to transport that 1 little rose you want to buy for him/her. A cut flower as a gift may make you happy for a day but it is going to wither after a while. Instead, if you gift a house plant of rose or any other flower, it will remind your loved ones of you every day. This is a much cleaner, greener, and beautiful way of gifting flowers. Don’t you think?

Take away – Gift flowers but as plant.



These days we get stylized, multipage greeting cards in the market. These cards are plastic laminated, glitter decorated which is not environment friendly at all. Also, a single line you write on your own on a recycled paper is much more valuable to the reader than these store-bought cards.

Take away – Give cards but handmade



We eat chocolates every time of the year. They won’t taste different, if gifted in a ribbon wrapped, plastic quoted, glittery heart shaped box. Instead, make chocolates together at home or gift a nice premium chocolate wrapped in recyclable paper. The extravagant wrapping is going in the waste bin anyway and is just going to increase pollution.

Take away –Avoid extravagant chocolate gift boxes



Most perfume sprays are packed in aerosol bottles. These pressurized cans, if not recycled, release hazardous components in the air. Scented candles, if are not made from natural wax, release harmful chemicals when burning. You do not want to inhale all that and ruin your romantic candlelight dinner. So be alert when buying fragrances for your romantic evening.

Take away – Buy natural fragrances with safe packaging


These are just a few examples. There are many more Valentine’s Day gifting ideas in the market rising around this time of the year. As a responsible human being we urge you to know the price you pay, and the mother Earth pays for the gift you choose. Hence this Valentine’s day, show your love to the environment while showing it to your loved ones. Share it with green heart if you agree and will implement it henceforth. Let there be just love in the air this Valentine’s day!

How To Stop Holiday Waste?

The positive and cheerful time of the year is here. We are all celebrating the season with gifts, feasts and decorations. Check out the below table before we talk further,

For usFor Mother Earth
Pretty looking giftsPaper and cardboard waste
Home decorationsSingle-use plastic waste
Gadget upgradesWaste electrical & electronic equipment
Festive glitterSpent lamps waste

These are just a few examples of what we do and what we get in the holiday season. During Holiday season, there is a minimum of 25% rise in the waste generation. Here are some tips to avoid waste and let the planet also enjoy the season.

  • Light Right

Do not buy cheap holiday lights every year. Go for LED lights which are energy efficient, safer for indoor settings and after the holiday, you can just keep them in the box to be used for next year’s holiday and many more holidays to come.

  • Recycle delivery cardboards

Buying everything online is the new normal. As the festive season begins, we will end up buying a lot more stuff online than usual. When that is delivered, we should fold and compile all cardboards and give for recycling. We can even reuse them to store things.

  • Rethink gift wrappers, ribbons and bows

Every year in the holiday season, the length of ribbon bought is bigger than the circumference of the Earth. Where does it all end up? In landfill. If opened carefully, the wrapping papers, ribbons can be used for other decorations and upcycled products.

  • Donate old electronics before gadget upgrades

There are huge discounts/offers/sales for shoppers during the festive season which makes us buy electronics even when our old gadgets performing the same function for us are still working and in good condition. We can donate these to the less privileged to spread the holiday cheer.

  • Buy electronic gift items with rechargeable batteries

Batteries are hazardous waste and finding a recycling solution for them is not easy. Let us try and reduce the waste batteries. When buying electronics for yourself or for gifting, go for the one which comes with chargeable batteries.

  • Check for recycling program

Most electronics manufacturers or retailers have a tie-up with recyclers for responsible disposal of the electronics they are making or selling. Ask for it and responsible the old stuff before you buy new.

  • Home Decorations

Decorating home is one of the most joyful tasks of the season. While doing so, opt for metal decorations instead of one-time use plastic decorations. You can store them well and use year on year without piling up plastic waste.

  • Gift experiences than materials

Avoid materialistic gifts and their wrapping, shipping. Gift experiences! May be event tickets, memberships or just some creative talent showcasing gift. What more experiential gifts can you think of?

What is E Waste Day? How to Participate?

October 14th is observed as the International E waste Day to highlight growing e waste issues and to ideate ways to curtail them. As a leading E waste recycler in the UAE for several years, Madenat Al Nokhba does not miss any opportunity to create awareness about Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling. So, for this year’s E waste day, we are recycling most of the E waste free for the entire month of October 2020. This will involve non hazardous items like electrical appliances/machines; electronic items/devices/IT equipment; wire cables etc and hazardous items such as batteries, light bulbs/tube lights and toner cartridges. We have smashing competitive rates for all these services.

In 2019 alone, the world generated over 53.6 Million tons of E waste, of which only 17.4% of was recycled. From this year moving forward, we want everyone to be a part of this collective effort to increase this recycling number and reach a goal of zero E-waste in landfills. How can we achieve this?

Here are 5 things you can do to participate in E Waste Day

  1. Discuss about E waste problems with your family, friends & Co-workers. Gather facts and figures to support your discussion. You can read our blog for some E waste recycling data.
  2. Talk to at least one child about E waste recycling. Let us educate the future generation about the E waste problems and build a habit of E waste recycling in them from now on.
  3. Collect all the E waste in your house, office, community including IT equipment, cables, batteries, spent lamps etc and hand over to a local recycler. If you are in UAE, contact us at info@madenat.ae  or call us at 043271778
  4. Place E waste bin around your community where you can be collecting all E waste items for periodic recycling
  5. Make sure you are not keeping batteries and broken spent lamps for a long time in the bin or in your house. They are hazardous waste and can harm you if the hazardous components get released in the environment

Are there any more interesting ways to celebrate the International E waste day? Comment below to let everyone know about it. Let us come together to recycle 100% of the E waste every year and live in a cleaner and healthier environment. Let’s make our planet Green again!

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

5 Global E waste Statistics

We threw away a lot of money by dumping the E waste last year. Do you want to know how much money? Let us tell you the exact figures.

  • 53.6 Million ton of E waste was generated just in the year of 2019 by us all.

Asia generated the highest quantity of E waste, and to add to that, United Arab Emirates was one of the higher E waste generator countries in the continent. But that is no surprise. Our better economy is leading to a higher living standard which encourages additional use of electrical and electronic equipment. So much so, that they have now become indispensable to our lifestyle. There is nothing wrong in the excess usage of electronics, but once they are out of use, we need to dispose them off the right way.

  • Only 17.4% of the total E waste generated was recycled, leaving 44.3 Million ton of the E Waste unattended to harm the environment.

Since most e waste isn’t documented well, we can assume that it got mixed with other waste streams such as plastic or metal waste. Even though those streams may have been recycled, recovery of all valuable material isn’t possible through those. Hence it is not a preferred recycling for E Waste.

  • Approximately 47 Billion USD worth Iron, Copper, Gold was wasted in the non-recycled Electronic waste

E waste is an urban mine. We can extract the ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals from the electronics and reuse them in the manufacturing. But instead, we are throwing those and extracting new from the ores emptying natural resources. If we reuse the metals from E waste recycling it will positively impact the global economy as well as the planet.

  • 98 Million Ton of CO2 equivalent was released in the atmosphere from the poorly managed E Waste

Temperature exchange equipment such as refrigerators, Air conditioners may contain greenhouse gases. Since those were not handled properly, it has contributed to global warming with massive amount of CO2 equivalents releasing in the environment. If we handle the electronics in an environmentally sound manner, we can also control global warming to a certain level.

  • By 2030 we will generate double the amount of E Waste

If we do not learn to recycle now, we are going to be in a BIG trouble by 2030. The estimated E waste generation per person is going to be 9 Kgs per year. Hence the total amount of E waste generation in 2030 will be double than what we generated in 2014. We are doubling the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in just 16 year but recycling rate is not increasing in the needed pace. So now we need to be more responsible and recycle as much E waste as we can to be able to provide a better environment to our kids and future generations.

We hope that these statistics will give you a better understating of how gigantic this E Waste problem is. We are doing our bit by recycling the e waste in Dubai Municipality approved and environmentally sound manner. But you need to do your bit of handing over the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment to us for certified recycling and not throwing them in the waste bins or giving to the informal or non-approved recyclers.

Madenat Al Nokhba Recycling Services LLC, P.O Box 128940, Plot no. 597 4240, Dubai Investment Park 2, Dubai – UAE.
Telephone:+971 4 327 1778
Mobile Number:+971 50 719 3795
Fax:+971 4 3271738
WhatsApp: +971 50 719 3795

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