5 Global E waste Statistics

We threw away a lot of money by dumping the E waste last year. Do you want to know how much money? Let us tell you the exact figures.

  • 53.6 Million ton of E waste was generated just in the year of 2019 by us all.

Asia generated the highest quantity of E waste, and to add to that, United Arab Emirates was one of the higher E waste generator countries in the continent. But that is no surprise. Our better economy is leading to a higher living standard which encourages additional use of electrical and electronic equipment. So much so, that they have now become indispensable to our lifestyle. There is nothing wrong in the excess usage of electronics, but once they are out of use, we need to dispose them off the right way.

  • Only 17.4% of the total E waste generated was recycled, leaving 44.3 Million ton of the E Waste unattended to harm the environment.

Since most e waste isn’t documented well, we can assume that it got mixed with other waste streams such as plastic or metal waste. Even though those streams may have been recycled, recovery of all valuable material isn’t possible through those. Hence it is not a preferred recycling for E Waste.

  • Approximately 47 Billion USD worth Iron, Copper, Gold was wasted in the non-recycled Electronic waste

E waste is an urban mine. We can extract the ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals from the electronics and reuse them in the manufacturing. But instead, we are throwing those and extracting new from the ores emptying natural resources. If we reuse the metals from E waste recycling it will positively impact the global economy as well as the planet.

  • 98 Million Ton of CO2 equivalent was released in the atmosphere from the poorly managed E Waste

Temperature exchange equipment such as refrigerators, Air conditioners may contain greenhouse gases. Since those were not handled properly, it has contributed to global warming with massive amount of CO2 equivalents releasing in the environment. If we handle the electronics in an environmentally sound manner, we can also control global warming to a certain level.

  • By 2030 we will generate double the amount of E Waste

If we do not learn to recycle now, we are going to be in a BIG trouble by 2030. The estimated E waste generation per person is going to be 9 Kgs per year. Hence the total amount of E waste generation in 2030 will be double than what we generated in 2014. We are doubling the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in just 16 year but recycling rate is not increasing in the needed pace. So now we need to be more responsible and recycle as much E waste as we can to be able to provide a better environment to our kids and future generations.

We hope that these statistics will give you a better understating of how gigantic this E Waste problem is. We are doing our bit by recycling the e waste in Dubai Municipality approved and environmentally sound manner. But you need to do your bit of handing over the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment to us for certified recycling and not throwing them in the waste bins or giving to the informal or non-approved recyclers.

Top 4 Excuses

Top 4 Excuses Used To Avoid Recycling

Not many of us understand the importance of recycling…But instead of digging deeper to find solution, some try to get away with silly excuses. Here are the Top 4 excuses irresponsible people use, to avoid recycling.

I don’t create that much waste

Really? As per global data, every human being on earth produces over 600 Kgs of trash a year. So, which one is it, you are not a human or you don’t’ live on earth? From food, clothes, shelter to electronics, lighting equipment to all the plastic that it is wrapped in… everything we use, has the ability to turn into trash. So next time someone tells you they don’t create crap, tell them that their crap starts from that sentence itself.

Recycling process is very tedious

Yes, it is a tedious process. The recycler segregates the trash, puts it in massive recycling machines which than separates the plastic, metals and other items, which they package and downstream to manufacturers again…But we do not have to worry about all that, do we? We just need to keep a recycling bin in our house and once it is full, give it to the nearest recycler. Was that tedious? Well…NO!

Why should I pay for recycling?

Didn’t we just mention all the hassle a recycler has to go through to recycle? It takes manpower and massive machinery to recycle the items we provide them. But by investing in all that now, they make sure that we don’t make the environment any more inhabitable for us and our future generations. We should pay the minimal service charge to the people who are saving the environment on our behalf. Isn’t that only fair?

What is my benefit?

Our planet is already getting inhabitable with all the plastic in oceans, chemicals in land and dust in air. So, if you wish to stay happy on the planet, you need to first make the planet happy. Isn’t cleaner air, healthier soil and fresh water benefit enough? Think!

Now next time when you come across anyone who is giving excuses for not recycling…you know how to answer them. You are not one of them, are you?

Madenat Al Nokhba Recycling Services LLC, P.O Box 128940, Plot no. 597 4240, Dubai Investment Park 2, Dubai – UAE.
Telephone:+971 4 327 1778
Mobile Number:+971 50 719 3795
Fax:+971 4 3271738
WhatsApp: +971 50 719 3795

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