Top 4 Excuses

Top 4 Excuses Used To Avoid Recycling

Not many of us understand the importance of recycling…But instead of digging deeper to find solution, some try to get away with silly excuses. Here are the Top 4 excuses irresponsible people use, to avoid recycling.

I don’t create that much waste

Really? As per global data, every human being on earth produces over 600 Kgs of trash a year. So, which one is it, you are not a human or you don’t’ live on earth? From food, clothes, shelter to electronics, lighting equipment to all the plastic that it is wrapped in… everything we use, has the ability to turn into trash. So next time someone tells you they don’t create crap, tell them that their crap starts from that sentence itself.

Recycling process is very tedious

Yes, it is a tedious process. The recycler segregates the trash, puts it in massive recycling machines which than separates the plastic, metals and other items, which they package and downstream to manufacturers again…But we do not have to worry about all that, do we? We just need to keep a recycling bin in our house and once it is full, give it to the nearest recycler. Was that tedious? Well…NO!

Why should I pay for recycling?

Didn’t we just mention all the hassle a recycler has to go through to recycle? It takes manpower and massive machinery to recycle the items we provide them. But by investing in all that now, they make sure that we don’t make the environment any more inhabitable for us and our future generations. We should pay the minimal service charge to the people who are saving the environment on our behalf. Isn’t that only fair?

What is my benefit?

Our planet is already getting inhabitable with all the plastic in oceans, chemicals in land and dust in air. So, if you wish to stay happy on the planet, you need to first make the planet happy. Isn’t cleaner air, healthier soil and fresh water benefit enough? Think!

Now next time when you come across anyone who is giving excuses for not recycling…you know how to answer them. You are not one of them, are you?

Blog 1 - Ewaste

What is E-Waste?

You are all reading this blog on either your computer, laptop, tablet or phone. How old is that device? If it is newly bought, what did you do with the old one? If it is old, how are you planning to discard it once it stops working?

We all stop using our favourite electronics for multiple reasons. Below are a few of them,

  • They just stop working
  • Not compatible with the latest technology
  • New version of the same device is now available with better features
  • Broken screen or hardware

Whichever is your reason to discard your old electronics, you are contributing to E-waste. We all are generating e-waste… and on a very large scale…that too every day! This e waste or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) as it is rightly called, is a highly varied stream of hazardous waste. You are committing an environmental crime if you do not dispose it right. Let us tell you how.

Our electronics are made of various toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials. When it turns into E-waste and burnt, or left unattended, these chemicals can release in land, water and air.

Electrical waste include, but not limited to:

  • IT and telecommunication equipment (mobile phones, printers etc).
  • Temperature exchange equipment (air conditioners, freezers etc)
  • Screens, monitors (TV, laptops etc)
  • Lamps (LED, CFL etc)
  • Large equipment (washing machines, electric stoves etc)
  • Small equipment (microwave, electric shaver etc)


So to say, every second thing around us has the potential to turn into E waste. What can we do with it then? The answer is strong and simple…Recycle!

Madenat Al Nokhba Recycling Services LLC, P.O Box 128940, Plot no. 597 4240, Dubai Investment Park 2, Dubai – UAE.
Telephone:+971 4 327 1778
Mobile Number:+971 50 719 3795
Fax:+971 4 3271738
WhatsApp: +971 50 719 3795

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